Tuesday 4 February 2014

Student midwives' lecture - two days to go

It doesn’t seem very long since I was writing about my excitement and trepidation at being invited to speak to student midwives at Birmingham City University about hyperemesis gravidarum.  You can read my previous blog post here.  At the time, February seemed such a long time off but, as is so often the way, time has flown by and here I am just a few days away from the lecture.

I thought I would get the students thinking early on in the session with some multiple choice questions about HG. Why don’t you have a go at the questions yourself and see how well you do? You might be surprised at some of the answers! Answers are at the bottom of the post.

1. Which of the following symptoms are associated with HG?

          (a) Excess saliva
          (b) Aversion to noise
          (c) Sensitivity to smells
          (d) Severe fatigue
          (e) Dehydration
2. Which of the following are likely to help a woman suffering from HG?

          (a) Ginger biscuits
          (b) Acupressure bands

          (c) Eating little and often

          (d) Rest

          (e) Thinking positively

3. At what point will most HG sufferers’ symptoms start to improve? 
          (a) 12 weeks
          (b) 16 weeks
          (c) 20+ weeks
4. What percentage of HG sufferers continue to experience at least some symptoms of HG for 9 months?
         (a) 5%
         (b) 30%
         (c) 60%
5. A woman is more likely to get HG in a subsequent pregnancy if she has had it before. True or False?

6. A woman is more likely to get HG if her mother or sister had it. True or False?

7. What percentage of women require time off work because of pregnancy sickness or HG?
         (a) 30%
         (b) 40%
         (c) 50%
Answers: 1. All 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. True 6. True 7. (a)

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