Sunday 21 May 2017

Three things I learned from today's long run training

I wasn't really in the mood for a long run this morning but, with hubby away all weekend and no childcare, it was my last chance to get this week's long run in, other than risking life and limb by going running with two kamikaze kids on their scooters! 

After I got sidetracked by chores and errands, my planned morning run soon turned into more of a lunchtime run and my two slices of toast were just a distant memory. I decided there was only one thing for it.... to purchase some running supplies to keep me going. This cheered me up as I happily munched on some jaffa cakes, and stuffed some jelly babies into my running belt, safe in the knowledge that such gluttonous behaviour was entirely justified by the forthcoming 8 mile run. With hindsight, I realised this was a mistake when only a few minutes into my run I was hit in the side by the stitch from hell.

So here are my three important lessons of the day.

1. There will always be chores and errands. So forget about them, get out there and do that long run. You might spend the rest of the day lolling around listlessly on the sofa with no energy to even lift a dirty pot, let alone wash it, but who cares. There is always tomorrow.

2. That trick for getting rid of a stitch actually works. You know the one where you put both arms in the air and then bend over as though you are doing some strange yoga move while running. You might get strange looks from passersby but it's worth a try.

3. Most importantly, and tempting though it is, I must not, REPEAT must not, scoff an undisclosed number of jaffa cakes just before the Great Midlands Fun Run. A good breakfast plus a banana shortly before the start is probably a much more sensible option.

I am part of team of more than 20 people taking part in the Great Midlands Fun Run on Sunday 4 June to raise money for Pregnancy Sickness Support.

You can support the team by sponsoring us here. Thank you.